Todays the day! Get Packed: Fully Loaded is available on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation and Stadia right now! We were blown away by the positive feedback from players during our initial Stadia release, so we are thrilled to bring Get Packed to even more players. Not only that, but we also have a shiny new launch trailer! Check it out below:
Get Packed started as a small student project in 2017 by four strangers, and since then the game and company has grown more than any of us could have possibly imagined. We feel incredibly fortunate to have had the chance to work on a project we are all truly passionate about for these past few years.
We would once again like to thank our incredible publisher Coatsink, the amazing music team headed by Vincent Webb and the great people at Arcus Animation Studios. Without all their help, Get Packed: Fully Loaded would never have been possible. And of course, a final big thank you to all the Stadia OGs for sticking with us and patiently waiting as we have been working on the extra content.
Now what are you waiting for?! Go and Get Packed!
Steam Store:
PlayStation Store:
Xbox Store:
Stadia Store: